Understanding qPCR Sampling

Data Driven MSQPCR Sampling Leads to Comprehensive Solutions

A scientist, focused on testing, wears a mask, safety goggles, and gloves in the lab. They expertly use a pipette to transfer liquid into a petri dish. In the background, shelves brim with equipment and glassware, while another scientist conducts an inspection.

MS-qPCR = Mold Specific Quantitative Polymer Chain Reaction

While the HERTSMI score can be useful, it can be flawed depending on concentrations of specific molds. Therefore, we do not base our conclusions off of this score alone as with the qPCR-EM sample.

There is important data in the sampling and methodology itself that we can use. Every case we come across is individual and unique and then figuring out how to use that data best for these types of projects to get to the solution that our clients are looking for.

Did You Know?

Did You Know?

MSQPCR testing is crucial for mold-sensitive individuals who have CIRS (Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome) or other mold-related illness and are working with a doctor for a specific treatment plan.

Find Out More About Our CIRS Protocol

Download Our qPCR Sampling Guide

Download Our qPCR Sampling Guide

MSQPCR (mold-specific qPCR) sampling gives us a more detailed analysis of the types of mold and other potential environmental hazards that may be impacting a property and a client’s health

qPCR Sampling Guide